18 November, 2010


The Homies from DZR were in LA, for a brief trip. While I didn't get to meet up with them, they left me a package at O20. The New shoes from DZR! Kind of a Slip on, kind of a loafer. First impressions, very stiff, and super comfy. Kyle asked me to ride with toe clips and straps, before switching them to clipless. I think that this is a great idea. Really see how the shoe works, from both angles. It'll be a bit before I give you the news on the shoes, so keep an eye out for that future post.

Thanks to Fabio and Shane, you guys rock.


  1. http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/8784480/2/istockphoto_8784480-sour-face.jpg
