A little bit go, I started noticing this tiny girl showing up at various events, with one or more of my friends. Super talkative, very attentive to the conversations, and always has some funny shit to add or rad stories to compete with our "witty banter". Any girl that can hang out with us, and not be disgusted or turned away by the shit we say or do and still want to hang out, while holding her own, is amazing in my book. Plus she can wield a bike like a sword. I'm excited every time she races (kicking ass at Cross), and really can't wait for summer to witness her stomp the competition. Jenny makes me want to go explore Chicago, only if she was there with me. Road Trip? I'm happy to have gotten to know her, and hope my own baby behavior doesn't bother her too much. Get to know our BabyNerd, after the jump.