24 August, 2010

The Juice VS. Chain Gang

The Juice VS. Chain Gang from Beaver Beavs on Vimeo.

C'mon Juice...

Tony V's Poster Campaign to save us.

While I applaud the effort, and thank the city for creating this Campaign, I can't help but think how comical this poster is.
I mean, why so cartoony? I wish this was a little more serious of a poster. I'm not talking about blood and guts. Just something that gives it a human edge. Ya, feel me? Good work in any case, as long as there is more awareness, that's what matters.

My roadie.... Some day soon, hopefully.

Bike rumor this week has been doing a break down of Felt's 2011 line. I really want the F3. My first real track bike was a Tk2, I'm rebuilding it right now, for Track only, I plan on in the future continuing with Felt for my Track only bikes, and would love to have a fleet of them... So, Homies at Felt, if you're reading this, you have a life long fan, that wants stick with you, but could really use a discount on his first roadie in 7-8 years....


Nice find, Simon the Beast!


The OG shit. Want.

Hit this link, to see all the new Supreme hats.