27 November, 2009

BRAND2 Killin IT!!!

Brand2 vs. LA from Video Market on Vimeo.

Video Market Represent! Nicely shot, Good Job Guys!!

Look what I found on the Cadence site...

While I support Dustin's choice to do this, there are alot of small companies that count on today to end the year with a much needed bang! So, while you're out there shopping, please consider the little guy and shop locally. Support small business!!!!!

Xlarge watch Jams!!!!

Back in the day, I loved xlarge, and I still do. It was always a real special treat to go to the xlarge store on vermont when I would vist my sister in LA. Now I live here and get to go check it out all the time. XL is about blow up again and this watch is the starting point!!! Boom! Viva xlarge! Viva Los Angeles!

Jiro Belt. Belts made from Bicycle Tires?

Better Get them While you can. each one is a "one of a kind".. Recycle that old tire, and make a belt! Oh those Italians... Good job JIRO BELT
Cop it HERE

Scarf Season, and this one is fresh!

I love scarfs and this one is a banger. A dope brand called In4mation

My Mood Today..