01 September, 2010

Los Angeles BFF: Joyride: Sneakpeek

It starts off today. The Los Angeles BFF. I was Lucky enough last night to be invited down, to the Morono Kiang Gallery (beautiful gallery) for a sneak peek of tonight's art show. Got to visit with Brent, great to see you as always, I think this will be an epic week for LA, and I told Kelly you said Hi. The art is amazing, and the opening will be a blast as well as the whole BFF. Please come and show your support for all the hard work that was put into tonight, and the rest of the week. I did take some snapshots as a sneak peek, be sure to come check it live and direct tonight! There is a lot of local talent, a most of them being friends or homies of someone ya'll know. Be there.

Brent holding court and telling us some great stories of BFF past.

Tommi Lim

Westside art and my feets.


It was empty and being setup last night, I expect this spot to be filled to the brim tonight. I'll see you there!
Thanks to Mikey Walley for taking my camera and snapping some of these photos!

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