16 July, 2010

DTLA Summer Series: Race 3: Results

Alright, What can I say about last night? Wild. Best turn out yet! Great course. Big props to Ash (happy bday), Boo-boo and Pork for holding it down. Pork you get the bonus props for cleaning the course hours before the race started. Nice work guys! I promise to race the last few of the series, I don't know what i wrong with me... Anyways.. To this photo and the winner. (blurry I know, but I had to snap it fast) When you see JTR roll up, on his road bike, with his track bike strapped to his back, you know he's in it to win both races. While this was fucking awesome and the best entrance to a race I have seen, the racers (road and fixed) kind of collectively groaned at this sight. He stomped both races, back to back. What a beast. Congrats JTR!

The winner in all his modesty, this is the most I have ever seen him sweat... ever.

The fixed group. A lot of them came out for this, a lot of young ones. I heard there is a race in the works for the younger racers. Keep an eye for that. This kids are getting faster everyday, and are really what is making me not want to race anymore....
Hhahaha, fuck that. Keep up the work, and you guys will be fucking sick riders very soon. See you next Thursday!

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