11 October, 2010

SEIL bag

Pretty cool. Great Idea. Korean designer Lee Myung Su has just won a Red Dot design award for this really awesomely cute bag. Would love to see this on something a lot larger. How does it work? A detachable wireless controller on the bars allows you to control the left and right signals, while the Stop sign flashes when the bag’s sensors detect you slowing down! Pretty cool.


Chubby Boob

The Fall Collection. I love to be apart of this team, and how amazing we all are. I can't wait til we dominate everything.

In case you forgot, Sound.Wavs

Is this week again! Come out and support, buy some beers, and lets keep this movement going! Thanks to all of those who came out last week, I'm sure I'll see you again this week. Shout out to Fred_Club, for filming this awesome edit of Teams Set!

TEAMS-"Uppercut" (live) from Little Tyrant Productions on Vimeo.

Here's the line up for this coming Thursday.

DJ Stereotype
It'll be Stereotype's last show until Nov. 11th..... Come get Buck.


Tucan sam

Mega Dangle


Music and Visuals provided by

Los Angeles, CA 90027
No cover

TOC 2011

Brutal. I can't wait! Where do you guys want to go watch?

TOC 2011

Saturday in Echo Park

Juan and I made some t-shirts this weekend. Local Los Angeles sales, You can contact me here or the Facebook page, for a mear of cost $15. $18 bucks shipped out of LA. We will be adding a Paypal/Store to the Blog ASAP. Until then send your address through our Takeoverla@gmail.com, I'll tell you where to send the money and you'll be a proud supporter of TOLA!, and one of the coolest cats around. This really was a labor of love, Juan came up with Idea Thursday, had the screen made, then we picked up everything else and went to town Saturday. Every Shirt is a little different, and has a lot of love, put into it. Expect more designs, and greater things, in the next few months. This only the beginning.



In the next few weeks, I'll be introducing you to LA's finest. Be it a shop rat, be it a commuter, tarck kid, roadie bro, bmx legend, dirty cyclocross rider, it's about time they get their props. Inspired by the Los Angeles Bicycle portraits, by my friend Zachary Taka Scott. I just want hear what these riders have to say. Ten questions, nothing too hard. Look for that every Monday.